2024 제11회 연천DMZ국제음악제

뮤직아카데미 교수진

2024 DMZIMF Academy Faculty


부 윤 정

Cellist Yoon-Jung Boo

· 서울예술고등학교 졸업

· 한국예술종합학교 음악원 졸업

· Eastman school of Music 석사

· Midwest university 박사

· KAIEA 한미국제교류협회 올해의 인물 대상교육부문 수상(뉴저지 상원의원상 )

· AMMC international music competition Teaching award(캐나다 총영사상 수상)

· Ross's Gull international music competition 지도자상. 

· 러시아 야쿠츠크국립대학교 총장상, 옴스크주 문화부장관상. 

· Vivaldi International Music Competition Baroque 부문 1위

· Franz Schubert International Music Competition Gold Prize

· 한국예술종합학교 영재원, 서울 교육대학 영재교육원, 예원학교, 서울예술고등학교 출강

· 현) Midwest university 교수.

· Graduated from Seoul Arts High School

· Graduated from the Korea National University of Arts Conservatory 

· Master's Degree at Eastman's master of Music. 

· Doctoral degree at Midwest university

· Awarded with the education category for the Person of the Year (New Jersey Senator Award) by KAIEA(Korea-U.S. International Exchange Association)

· AMMC international music competition teaching award (Canada Consulate General Award)

· Ross's Gull international music competition leader's award. 

· President of the Yakutsk National University of Russia, Omsk State Minister of Culture Award. 

· 1st place in Vivaldi International Music Competition Baroque

· Franz Schubert International Music Competition Gold Prize

· Lectures at Korea National University of Arts Gifted Education Center, Seoul National University of Education Gifted Education Center, Yewon School, Seoul National High School of Arts 

· Currently professor of Midwest University.
