2024 제11회 연천DMZ국제음악제

뮤직아카데미 교수진

2024 DMZIMF Academy Faculty


심 근 수

Pianist Geunsu Shim

· 예원학교 졸업

· 서울예술고등학교 재학 중 도독

· 독일 하노버 국립음대, 라이프치히 국립음대 학사 졸업, 뮌헨 국립음대 석사 졸업, 뮌스터 국립음대 최고연주자과정(Konzertexamen) 졸업

· 소년한국일보콩쿠르, 음악춘추콩쿠르, 주니어쇼팽콩쿠르 등 상위 입상

· 이탈리아 Amigdala 국제콩쿠르, 영국 London Grand Prize Virtuoso 국제콩쿠르, 이탈리아 Caraglio 국제콩쿠르, 독일 Troisdorf 국제콩쿠르, 프랑스 Brest 국제콩쿠르, 프랑스 Ile-de-France 국제콩쿠르 등 입상

· 독일, 네덜란드, 이탈리아, 스페인, 영국 등에서 다수의 초청 연주회 및 협연

· 남해국제음악아카데미, 프랑스 Musicalta 아카데미 교수진 참여

· TBC콩쿠르, 음악교육신문사 콩쿠르, 아시아차이콥스키 영아티스트 콩쿠르, 음악세계 콩쿠르 등 심사위원 역임

· 현 장로회신학대학교 객원교수, 충남대학교, 국립순천대학교, 국립강릉원주대학교, 예원학교, 서울예고, 경기예고, 한국창의예중고 출강

“Exuding maturity and musical quality.” -Westfaelische Nachrichten

Geunsu Shim made his first acquaintance with the piano at the age of five. He studied with Vladimir Krainev at Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater Hannover. He also studied with Gerald Fauth at Leipzig University of Music and Theatre “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy”, where he earned Diplom degree. He continued his journey to study with Arnulf von Arnim at Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater Muenchen and Musikhochschule Muenster, where he earned Master’s and Konzertexamen degree. 

 Geunsu Shim made his first acquaintance with the piano at the age of five. He studied with Vladimir Krainev at Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater Hannover. He also studied with Gerald Fauth at Leipzig University of Music and Theatre “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy”, where he earned Diplom degree. He continued his journey to study with Arnulf von Arnim at Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater Muenchen and Musikhochschule Muenster, where he earned Master’s and Konzertexamen degree. 

Geunsu Shim won Amigdala International Music Competition 2017 in Italy, International Music Competition London Grand Prize Virtuoso 2017 in the United Kingdom, Brest International Piano Competition 2017 in France, Caraglio International Piano Competition 2016 in Italy, Troisdorf International Piano Competition 2015 in Germany, and Ile-de-France International Piano Competition 2015 in France.

Geunsu Shim performed at numerous halls including Gasteig Muenchen, Aula am Aasee Muenster, Stadthalle Troisdorf, Lyzeum fuer Klavier Leipzig, C. Bechstein Centrum Hannover, Ruinekerk Bergen, Leonardo Sciascia Theater Catania, and Royal Albert Hall Elagar Room London, Seoul Arts Center, Kumho Art Hall, Sejong Center Seoul, Suri Hall Gunpo, and SK artrium Suwon.

Currently, Geunsu Shim is a visiting professor at Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary. He is also teaching at Chungnam National University, Suncheon National University, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Yewon School, and Seoul Arts High School.
