2024 제11회 연천DMZ국제음악제

뮤직아카데미 교수진

2024 DMZIMF Academy Faculty


성 해 린

Pianist Hae-Rin Sung

피아니스트 성해린은 예원학교 졸업 및 서울예고를 실기수석으로 졸업하였으며 (연호예술상 수상) 서울대학교 음악대학을 수시입학 및 실기수석으로 졸업하였다. 이후 도독하여 베를린 국립음대(Universität der Künste Berlin) 전문연주자과정(Diplom), 최고연주자과정(Konzertexamen), 오스트리아 잘츠부르크 모짜르테움 국립음대(Universität Salzburg Mozarteum) 최고연주자과정(Postgraduate)을 졸업하였다.

서울예고 재학시절 공개오디션을 통해 서울예고 정기연주회 협연자로 선발되어 협연하였고(故임원식 지휘), 제70회 조선일보 신인음악회, 금호영재 및 영아티스트 독주회, 젊은이의 음악제에서 수차례 연주하였으며, 제69회 쥬네스 무지깔 데뷔오디션을 통해 문호아트홀에서 독주회를 개최하였다.

국내에서 동아콩쿠르 2위, 이화경향콩쿠르 2회 입상, 한국음악콩쿠르 1위, 마스트미디어 주최 헨레피아노콩쿠르 2위, 삼익콩쿠르 특상, 틴에이져콩쿠르 특상, 한미콩쿠르 대상, 난파콩쿠르 1위, 인제대학교콩쿠르 1위에 입상하였고, 독일 Artur Schnabel 피아노콩쿠르 1위, 독일 Hans von Bülow 국제콩쿠르 1위, 벨기에 André Dumortier 국제콩쿠르 심사위원 만장일치 1위 및 현대곡 해석 특별상을 수상하며 작곡가로부터 작품을 헌정받았으며("Vertical Study", Claude Ledoux), 독일 Renate-Schorler 피아노콩쿠르 2위, 스페인 Rotary Club de Mallorca 국제콩쿠르 3위, 칠레 Luis Sigall 국제콩쿠르 세미파이널리스트에 오르며 국제 무대에서도 실력을 인정받았다.

Berlin Philharmonie, Steinway Haus Berlin, Frankfurt Alte Oper, Stockholm Concert Hall, Bern Villa Mettlen Barock Hall, Meininger Staatstheater 등 유럽 각지에서 수차례 독주회 및 실내악 연주를 개최하였고, 서울아카데미 앙상블, KT 심포니오케스트라, Berlin Classic Players, Meiningen Hofkapelle, L'orchestre de la Chapelle Musicale de Tournai, Omsk Philharmonic Orchestra와 함께 모차르트, 베토벤, 칼크브레너, 리스트, 쇼팽, 리하르트 슈트라우스, 라흐마니노프의 피아노 협주곡을 협연하였다. 독일 Hans von Bülow 재단의 후원으로 리스트 소나타를 녹음하였으며 2011년 프란츠 리스트 탄생 200주년을 기념하여 Weimar Liszt-Salon, Schloss Rheinsberg에서 리스트 소나타와 6개의 파가니니 대연습곡 전곡을 연주하여 현지 언론으로부터 큰 호평을 받았다. 

현재 국민대학교 겸임교수이자 추계예대, 예원, 서울예고에서 후학을 양성하고 있다.

Pianist Sung Hae-Rin graduated from Yewon School and Seoul Arts High School (winning the Yeonho Arts Award) and graduated from Seoul National University's College of Music as a summa cum laude. Afterwards, she graduated from the Universal Music University (Universität der Künste Berlin), with the Artist Diploma (Konzertexamen), and Performer Diploma and graduated from Salzburg Mozarteum in Austria with Artist Diploma (Postgradue).

When she was studying at Seoul Arts High School, he performed as a regular concert performer at Seoul Arts High School through a public audition (directed by the late Lim Won-sik)and performed several times at the 70th Chosun Ilbo Rookie Concert, Kumho Young Artist Solo, and Young Artist's Music Festival, and held a solo concert at Munho Art Hall through the 69th Juneteenth Juneteenth Mujikal debut audition.

She won 2nd place in the Dong-A Competition, 2nd place in the Ewha Hyang Competition, 1st place in the Korean Music Competition, 2nd place in the Henle Piano Competition hosted by MastMedia, 2nd place in the Samik Competition, special prize in the Teenage Competition, 1st place in the Korea-U.S. competition, 1st place in the Nanpa Competition, 1st place in Injae University Competition, 1st place in the International Competition of Artur Schnabel, 1st place in the International Competition of Hans von Bülow, 1st place in the International Competition of Germany, and the Special Award for Interpretation of Modern Songs, and was dedicated to his work by the composer ("Vertical Study," Claude Ledoux), 2nd place in the International Piano Competition of Renate-Schorler in Germany, 3rd place in the Rotary Club de Mallorca International Competition in Spain, and semi-finalist in the International Competition of Luis Sigall in Chile.

She has performed several solo and chamber music concerts in various parts of Europe, including Berlin Philharmonie, Steinway Haus Berlin, Frankfurt Alte Oper, Stockholm Concert Hall, Bern Villa Metlen Barock Hall, and Meininger Staatsteater. She has also performed solo and chamber music concerts in various parts of Europe, including the Seoul Academy Ensemble, KT Symphony Orchestra, Berlin Classical Players, Meiningen Hofkapelle, and L'Orchestre de la Chapel Musicale de Tournai, and Omsk Philharmonic Orchestra, with piano concertos by Mozart, Beethoven, Kalkbrenner, Liszt, Chopin, Richard Strauss, and Rachmaninoff. She recorded the list sonata with the support of the Hans von Bülow Foundation in Germany, and in 2011, she performed the list sonata and six Paganini masterpieces in Weimar Liszt-Salon, Schloss Rheinsberg to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Franz Liszt's birth, receiving great reviews from local media.

Currently, she is an adjunct professor at Kookmin University and is training her younger students at ChooKye University of Arts, Yewon, and Seoul Arts High School.
