2024 제11회 연천DMZ국제음악제

뮤직아카데미 교수진

2024 DMZIMF Academy Faculty


김 정 현

Violinist Jung-Hyun Kim

예원, 서울예고 졸업 

서울대 재학 중 도오, 오스트리아 모짜르테움 국립음대 Kleines Diplom 및 Grosses Diplom, Magister 학위 졸업 

예원 콩쿨 입상, Interregionale di Giovanni Violinist 콩쿨 3위(이태리) 짤쯔부르크 신포니에타, 짤쯔부르크 무지치, 뉴서울 필하모닉, 원주시향, 광주시향, 서울 쳄버 오케스트라 등과 2001년 교향악축제에서 광주시립교향악단과 협연

비엔나 와 스위스 루쩨른, 베른 등지에서 Master Course 참가, Valerie Klimov, Jerko Spiller, Max Rostal 등 사사 

모짜르테움 트리오, 트리오 파라디아 연주회 등 실내악과 귀국 독주회 및 다수의 독주회 개최 유림앙상블, 페스티발 앙상블, 튜티 앙상블, 채리티 앙상블 단원 역임 원주시향 객원악장 및 이화여대, 경희대, 숙명여대, 성신여대, 경원대 강사 역임 

현 Trio Paradia, Seoul Chamber Orchestra 멤버 한국예술종합학교, 예원, 서울예고, 선화예중·고, 한국예술종합학교 영재원 출강

Graduated Yewon middle school, Seoul Arts High School

While attending Seoul National University, he moved to Germany and graduated from Kleines Diploma and Grosses Diploma at the National Conservatory of Mozarteum in Austria

Placed in Yewon Competition, 3rd place in Interregionale di Giovanni Violinist Competition(Italy), collaboration with Salzburg Sinfonietta, Salzburg Mujic, New Seoul Philharmonic, Wonju Philharmonic, Gwangju Philharmonic, Seoul Chamber Orchestra, etc. at the 2001 Symphony Festival

Participated in the Master Course in Vienna, Luzern, Bern, and studied under Valerie Klimov, Jerko Spiller, and Max Rostal

Performed chamber music at the Mozarteum Trio and Trio Paradia concerts, as well as solo concerts in Korea. She was a member of the Yurim Ensemble, Festival Ensemble, Teuti Ensemble, Charity Ensemble, and is a professor of Ewha Womans University, Kyung Hee University, Sookmyung Women's University, Sungshin Women's University, and Kyungwon University.

Currently a member of Trio Paradia, Seoul Chamber Orchestra and is lecturing at the Korea National University of Arts, Yewon, Seoul Arts High School, Seonhwa Arts Middle and High School, and the Korea National University of Arts' Gifted Center
